Linelog - timestamps

Pshem Kowalczyk pshem.k at
Thu Jun 23 22:12:45 CEST 2016


I think I'll have another look at syslog, might be the quickest way of
achieving the outcome.

I don't want to push all that data into the database since the tool we use
for analysis (SumoLogic) only takes text as input, so it's easier to store
it that way as well.

Running in debug mode is what we do now, but that produces a lot of
information that we don't need for performance analysis. I can be analyse
manually, but not really automated.

kind regards

On Fri, 24 Jun 2016 at 07:19 <A.L.M.Buxey at> wrote:

> Hi,
> > That's correct, but we end up with something like this
> >
> > Fri Jun 24 05:17:11 2016 Username [ABC] BNG: 03 Accept
> > Fri Jun 24 05:17:12 2016 Username [DEF] BNG: 02 Accept
> > Fri Jun 24 05:17:10 2016 Username [GHI] BNG: 03 Accept
> >
> > So in this case packet for GHI was actually received first but responded
> to
> > last.
> you can linelog elsewhere - so have a 'receive' linelog...
> then have a auth linelog.... if you linelog with eg syslog then syslog will
> timestamp the event at the current system time when it got logged - you
> can then look at that versus the packet receive time to see where the
> delay lag is - in your case you could then log the 'auth' time (syslog)
> versus the receive time (linelog entry you already have)
> talk about databases....then just put the auth stuff into
> a DB(!) - you can have one column being insert time (NOW() or whatever your
> DB uses) versus receive time of the datagram by RADIUS server.... then you
> can
> do lots of basic analysis on culmns where insert_time - receive_time  > X
> seconds
> if you have questions about your servers surrounding the system
> then run freeradius in fuller debug mode - eg radiusd -xxx  and such - this
> gives you the time of each packet - you can then see how long each thing -
> LDAP, SQL, logging, perl , exec etc etc took before the packet continued.
> you can then profile it (theres no simple profiling tool to work with such
> logs that I know of....but would be very handy!! ;-) )
> ilan
> -
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