segfault in master 3.0.x checking for empty realm

Peter Lambrechtsen peter at
Fri Mar 4 17:34:09 CET 2016

Ran into an interesting issue with my realm code that should have just
given me a reject rather than a segfault.

In my default site I have added to the end the realm:

realm "~.*$" {

So that suffix matches every realm as I don't have control over the realm
names and need to perform lookups in the database on the realm.

But if I then try and run suffix with an empty realm and do if check to see
if it's not a particular realm I get a segfault.


        if ( Realm == "testing" ) {
        if ( &Realm == "testing" ) {
        if ( "%{Realm}" == "testing" ) {

I always get the segfault.

(0) Received Access-Request Id 46 from to
length 256
(0)   User-Password = "1234"
(0)   User-Name = "user"
(0) # Executing section authorize from file ./sites-enabled/default
(0) suffix: Checking for suffix after "@"
(0) suffix: No '@' in User-Name = "user", looking up realm NULL
(0) suffix: Found realm "~.*$"
(0) suffix: Adding Stripped-User-Name = "user"
(0) suffix: Adding Realm = "(null)"
(0) suffix: Authentication realm is LOCAL
(0)     [suffix] = ok
(0)     if ( Realm == "testing" ) {
Segmentation fault

That's a bit nasty response really. Granted it's not exactly elegant that I
am doing the lookup in the first place. But I didn't expect a segfault from

I've worked around it by doing a check to make sure the realm isn't empty

        if ( !&Realm == "" ) {
                if ( Realm == "testing" ) {
        else {

And that drops into the else nicely

(0)     if ( !&Realm == "" ) {
(0)     if ( !&Realm == "" )  -> FALSE
(0)     else {
(0)       [reject] = reject
(0)     } # else = reject
(0)   } # authorize = reject

Haven't gone looking into the code to see where the issue is yet, but I
will have a look tomorrow.

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