timeout and period values are rounded

Arran Cudbard-Bell a.cudbardb at freeradius.org
Sun Jul 9 14:00:18 CEST 2017

> On 9 Jul 2017, at 06:04, denis <den.zinevich at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to play with timeouts and periods in my proxy setup.
> Changing values:
> zombie_period, response_window
> in debug log getting warnings:
> WARNING: Ignoring "response_window = 60.000000", forcing to
> "response_window = 30.000000"
> WARNING: Ignoring "zombie_period = 10", forcing to "zombie_period = 30"
> experimented a bit and found that if I set response_window = 70, it will be
> rounded to 60
> i.e WARNING: Ignoring "response_window = 70.000000", forcing to
> "response_window = 60.000000"
> if I set zombie_period = 0, it will be rounded to 1:
> WARNING: Ignoring "zombie_period = 0", forcing to "zombie_period = 1"
> but didn't find any way to get any other values, like zombie_period = 15 or
> response_window = 50.
> they're always rounded to some other value, and I was not able to find in
> docs how/why it's rounded.
> freeradius 3.0.12

It’s not being rounded.  The values provided by the users are bounds checked,
and the value is changed to the upper or lower bound if it’s outside of the
acceptable range.

> Also I have wider/general question:
> Are there any "best practices" for high latency links with proxy setup.
> When NAS'es are far from home server. Actually adjusting timeouts and
> periods I'm trying to fight continuous zombie/alive issue:
> Sun Jul  9 08:55:51 2017 : ERROR: (503) ERROR: Failing proxied request for
> user "user1", due to lack of any response from home server
> port 1813
> Sun Jul  9 08:57:17 2017 : Proxy: (515) Marking home server
> port 1813 alive

If the response comes later than 30 seconds, it’s not network latency, it’s a
broken home server. Fix the issue with the home server.


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