Problem with huntgroups upgrading from 2.2.9 to 3.0.x

Andrea Gabellini andrea.gabellini at
Sat Mar 11 13:18:00 CET 2017


I'm upgrading from FR 2.2.9 to FR 3.0.13. I'm testing the configuration
in my lab. I've a problem with huntgroups. This is my huntgroups file:

adsl    NAS-IP-Address ==
        Group == adslhome,
        Group == adslbusiness,
        Group == adslpro

Suppose a user is in the group adslbusiness. I get the "No Huntgroup" error.

exchanging the last two lines the same user can log in:

adsl    NAS-IP-Address ==
        Group == adslhome,
        Group == adslpro,
        Group == adslbusiness

It seems that it works only if the last condition is true. The same
huntgroups file works fine in FR 2.2.9.
Is it changed some logic from 2.x to 3.x?


Una candela accesa infiamma un'altra candela, e in tal modo si riesce ad accendere migliaia di candele, cos

Ing. Andrea Gabellini
Email: andrea.gabellini at
Skype: andreagabellini
Tel: (+378) 0549 886111
Fax: (+378) 0549 886188

Telecom Italia San Marino S.p.A.
Via XXVIII Luglio, 212 - Piano -2
47893 Borgo Maggiore
Republic of San Marino

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