Radius crashing with "Failed adding event handler for socket: Too many readers"

Campbell McKenzie Campbell.McKenzie at aarnet.edu.au
Mon Apr 30 05:58:47 CEST 2018

Hello All,

Upon using the packages from packages.networkradius.com (3.0.16)
We are still getting the issue where the radius server will exit(1) with the last 
logged line being:
" radiusd[13056]:Failed adding event handler for socket: Too many readers" 

We are no longer using "src_ipaddr" as previously mentioned... but still
the same error as when we used it previously? 

The only thing I can think of next is weird interactions between 
Freeradius and dummy interfaces (/usr/sbin/ip link add any0 type dummy)
producing similar behavior to "src_ipaddr" in regards to UDP sockets? 

Any thoughts on this? Or how I can continue to troubleshoot?


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