"Known good" password

Bernd Nachtigall bnacht at web.de
Thu Jul 5 11:58:48 CEST 2018


I try to setup a basic radius service. Use Version 3.0.3
Most files are untouched. Edit mods-config/files/authorize and added
some user:

testuser Cleartext-Password := "mypassword", Login-Time ="Any",
Expiration >"Oct 01 2020", Simultanous-Use = 1
	Service-Type = Framed-User,
	Framed-Protocol = PPP,
	Framed-IP-Address =,
	Framed-Routing = None,
	Filter-ID = USER

Edit client.conf and added:
client {
	secret = clientpwd

radiusd starts w/o problem and the default test:
# radtest testing password 0 testing123
is successfull.

When try to test (from localhost):

# radtest testuser mypassword 0 testing123

I think this is likely the same test as with the default user 'testing'.

radius throw:
WARNING: pap : No "known good" password found tor the user. Not setting
WARNING: pap : Authentication will faill unless a "known good" password
is available.
  [pap] = noop
} # authorize = ok
ERROR: No Auth-Tape found: rejecting the user via Post-Auth-Type = Reject

So my question is: What is an 'known good' password? Where should this
be configured?



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