Redis IP Source

Alan Buxey alan.buxey at
Thu Mar 22 19:05:54 CET 2018


probably iptables or ip forwarding issues

as for the last question, yes - look at the radiusd.conf and check the
listen {} section - you can define address or
and/or interface


On 22 March 2018 at 15:47, Bassem Mettichi <mettichi at> wrote:
> Hello,
> please could any one tell me why redis reject connection coming from unkown
> IP source, for example if my freerdaius server started on eth1 and my redis
> server is listening on eth2 ( other range) when i try to connect to redis
> from my freerdaius server, the connection can't established because the IP
> source is on other range the destination IP address. is there any
> possibilit to start freerdius on a specific interface.
> Thanks in advance
> -
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