mysql driver for freeradius 4.x

Prem Khanal prem.khanal at
Mon Aug 5 03:06:39 CEST 2019

Hi Team,

I have a server running freeradius 3.016 as proxy and it is working
perfectly. I would like to migrate to freeradius version 4.x . I have
installed free radius 4.x version from the source at ( ) . It runs fine without mysql
enabled. I tried to change the configuration to use mysql but I am getting
the error message *"Failed to link to module "rlm_sql_mysql":
/usr/local/lib/ cannot open shared object file: No such
file or directory"*

>From the error message I can see that freeradius mysql driver needs to be
installed. But I couldn't find the source/or executable for mysql driver
for freeradius version 4.x.
It would be great if I could get some help regarding this.


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