Interpretation of Linked Unlinked and MA lines in the radsniff output

Fekete Tamás fektom at
Mon Feb 11 09:39:52 CET 2019


I would like to ask help with understanding the radsniff output as there
are some lines I can not interpret.

When I have run radsniff -W 1, I got the following output:


Access-Request counters:
        Total     : 66.000/s
        Linked    : 64.000/s
        Unlinked  : 0.000/s
Access-Request latency:
        High      : 1000.607ms
        Low       : 0.260ms
        Average   : 17.473ms
        MA        : 23.723ms
Access-Request retransmits & loss:
        RT (0)    : 56.000/s


I don't understand what is the difference between an Access-Request which
is linked or unlinked. Can you explain this?

And another question is: do you know what is the MA in the Access-Request

- Tamas Fekete

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