FreeRadius 3.0.11 [bypassing MySQL failures]

Ibrahim Nezar Al-Mahfooz ibrahim.nezar at
Mon Mar 4 07:10:36 CET 2019


We have two FR servers used to authorize LTE users based on their location
and device type. We used unlang to meet the requirements and it worked
pretty well. Inside the unlang blocks we have have different blocks to
accept or reject users based on various conditions. For logging and
reporting purposes, we have put the module sql inside this block as shown
below. This setup works perfectly but until the mysql is down, users won't
be able to authorize due to the module sql unable to proceed with the
insert statement.

## The below is one example of post-auth section of sites-enabled/default

*if (&3GPP-Charging-Characteristics == "0800") {update reply {Framed-Pool
:= "gnet-pool"Reply-Message := "Authorized"}*

In the above case, users will be authorized based on the condition and then
logged into sql and accepted.

Would you be kind and suggest a working method or simple solution to bypass
the sql module in case of mysql DB failures to avoid sacrificing our
customers connectivity to the network in case of such incident?

Appreciate your suggestions and support.

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