Counter Attribute Mikrotik-Total-Limit Must be Integer64

Alan DeKok aland at
Fri Mar 8 02:33:13 CET 2019

On Mar 7, 2019, at 2:06 PM, One Zero Art <onezeroartapps at> wrote:
> Trying to prevent authorization of users after usage limited data.
> I have set sqlcounter for this but debug mode showing this error "counter
> Attribute Mikrotik-Total-Limit Must be Integer64".

  That's because you tried to use that attribute in sqlcounter.  Don't do that.

  The attribute used for the counter should be one that doesn't exist already.  That is, the counter is just a counter, and that's what it means.  You can't use Mikrotik-Total-Limit as a counter, because it already has a well-defined meaning.

  Set the configuration to use something like:

	counter_name = Total-Daily-Limit

> Inserted "Mikrotik-Total-Limit" in radcheck.
> I have set other counter but those were working fine. Searched google but
> no luck. I also check default Mikrotik dictionary, Mikrotik-Total-Limit
> exist there with interger and id 17. Should I changed that or how can I
> update attribute?

  Don't edit the dictionaries.  All of those attributes have pre-defined meanings.  Changing them is wrong.

  Alan DeKok.

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