Compilation Issue

Alan DeKok aland at
Fri May 3 12:37:15 CEST 2019

On May 3, 2019, at 5:39 AM, Nicolas Breuer <Nicolas.Breuer at> wrote:
> We found the issue, that was not linked to compiler / distri / gcc / librairies broken or something like that.
> The ./configure found an old library of lib-pcap (0.9) and used that library. That caused "the make" to crash.

  So (a) yes, a library was broken.  And (b), "make" didn't crash.  Compilation failed.

> Removing the entire directory solved all problems -> without libpcap, radius sniffer module was disabled and compiling was done in 2 minutes.

  i.e. your local system was broken.

  This kind of thing happens when you use a distribution that is wildly out of date, and then try to build newer software on it.

  The solution (for everyone else reading) is don't use CentOS 6.  Or, if you do, use pre-built packages available at

  The problem here was arguing over and over and over again about the error and the solution.  There were simple fixes which weren't used.

  Alan DeKok.

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