FR and accounting question

dg dg at
Thu May 30 13:15:10 CEST 2019

i have question about accounting in freeradius (3.0.18)

i notced in sql table radacct that from time to time i have as a "username"
host/DELL-LAPBD5 logged.
so in file /etc/raddb/policy.d/filter i put 

if (User-Name =~ /^host/) {
   update request { Module-Failure-Message += 'Rejected: banned host'

not i have "Access-Reject" and username starting with "host" are denied.

But anyway when i check accouting host/DELL-LAPBD5 still is appears (with some
data downloaded).
How it this possible that username is Rejected but can download data from
network (browsing websites etc.. ) and appears in accounting ??

I thought that if someone is Rejected should not be able to download data from

best regards

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