Wrong account data ?

Gabriel Trabanco Llano gabriel at trabanco.soy
Fri Sep 6 00:57:27 CEST 2019

It is right, it’s just the consumption data for the current session.

Don’t know why but sometimes the NAS or FR3 restart the session. Don’t know why maybe the wifi experience with the NAS or just transferring sessions between NAS, roaming... Whatever that is what’s happening to you. Don’t worry just see more data in database and you’ll be able to see all consumption data

> El 5 sept 2019, a las 21:42, Alan DeKok <aland at deployingradius.com> escribió:
>> On Sep 5, 2019, at 12:27 PM, Gianlu]{a via Freeradius-Users <freeradius-users at lists.freeradius.org> wrote:
>> I've just setup DaloRadius with Freeradius 3.0.13 on CentOS 7.
>> Authentication and accounting works fine but I have "unreal" data under the traffic in online user page.
>  And... what does the debug output show?
>  FreeRADIUS doesn't invent RADIUS traffic.  It just takes whatever garbage is in the Accounting-Request packet, and stuffs it into the database.
>> I've tried to enable acct_counters64 in /etc/raddb/sites-available/default but data is still unreliable, i.e for a session of about less than 5 minutes with a test notebook that does normal navigation the total data reported is
>> --
>> Upload: 10.82 Mb 
>> Download: 3.53 Gb 
>> Total Traffic: 3.54 Gb
>> --
>> on the radacct table I see:
>> MariaDB [radius]> select username,acctinputoctets,acctoutputoctets from radacct;
>> +--------------+-----------------+------------------+
>> | username | acctinputoctets | acctoutputoctets |
>> +--------------+-----------------+------------------+
>> | 2cd444b44931 | 3308575 | 3365338107 |
>> | 2cd444b44931 | 3328012 | 3397609046 |
>> | 2cd444b44931 | 3331570 | 3398069502 |
>> | 2cd444b44931 | 11309639 | 3781040457 |
>> | 38eaa785715f | 2088560876 | 3111861848 |
>> +--------------+-----------------+------------------+
>> so daloradius calculation seems right assuming octets = bytes.
>> The NAS endpoint is a Cisco 2960 switch with a pretty straightforward configuration, does anyone have some suggestion on this ?
>  Why are you looking at the database when you can look at the debug output?
>  If the NAS is lying to FreeRADIUS, then FreeRADIUS has no way of knowing.
>  Alan DeKok.
> -
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