Telling FR to conect to postres vi IPv4

Alex Sharaz alex.sharaz at
Wed Jan 29 14:17:37 CET 2020

Was a bit of a silly question really. The db end was set up with only ipv4
addresses instead of an FQDN

As you said, specifying a static ipv4 address works but is a bit messy.

We;re tidying up the postgres end to use FQDNs and everything working over
ipv6 now


On Wed, 29 Jan 2020 at 12:56, Matthew Newton <mcn at> wrote:

> On Wed, 2020-01-29 at 12:45 +0000, Alex Sharaz via Freeradius-Users
> wrote:
> > 1). Set postgres up to accept connections from the new ipv6 address
> Seems like the best solution.
> > 2). Tell the FR end to use ipv4
> >
> > Fairly certain its not a FR thing but underlying postgres config.
> > So how do I tell my FR server to connect via ipv4 ?
> Put the IPv4 address in the SQL config?
> If you've got a DNS name there, and that resolves to IPv4 and IPv6
> addresses, you're saying "please connect on either". So it does.
> Or use another DNS name which only resolves to an IPv4 address?
> --
> Matthew

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