Freeradius Database Threads

Alan DeKok aland at
Fri May 8 15:56:32 CEST 2020

On May 8, 2020, at 9:26 AM, Aurélio de Souza Ribeiro Neto <netolistas at> wrote:
>       I'm using FreeRadius 3.0.19 and MySQL 5.7
>       In my radiusd.conf I have this for threads:
>       thread pool {
>         start_servers = 10
>         max_servers = 64
>         min_spare_servers = 6
>         max_spare_servers = 20
>         max_queue_size = 131072
>         max_requests_per_server = 0
>         auto_limit_acct = yes
>      }
>       Mysql is set to 2000 connections.
>       Sometimes Freeradius open 2000 connections in database.

 You're looking at the thread pool configuration.  That doesn't affect the SQL pool.

  If FR opens 2000 database connections, it's because you configured it to open 2000 database connections.

  Read raddb/mods-available/sql.  Look for "pool".  This is documented.

  Alan DeKok.

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