Proxy and realm

Andrés Gómez andres.gomez.ruiz at
Wed Jun 2 01:32:35 CEST 2021

Hi dear list

I want to test a Freeradius v3 as a proxy to another freeradius.
I have read documentation about proxy feature, so I have configured
with something similar like this:*

*realm office {    type        = radius    authhost    =
<>    accthost    = <>
  secret      = mysecret123    nostrip}*

I have enabled realm modules on /etc/raddb/mods-enabled/

But when I try a simple user like:
radtest user1 at office password 1812 mysecret123

Freeradius takes "user1 at office" like the username, it doesn't use the realm
feature, so FR tries to find the user in Users file.

What am I missing?

Thanks in advance

*C. Andrés Gómez R.*

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