Can I use Freeradius DHCP server to allocate fixed IP to given 802.1X ?

Alejandro Perez-Mendez alex.perez-mendez at
Fri Jun 18 17:38:08 CEST 2021

El 18/6/21 a las 17:18, Olivier escribió:
> Hello,
> In a BYOD context where each user may own severaldevices, is it possible to
> configure a fixed table such as bellow (either simple text file or database
> table) and have a single fixed private addresses being allocated to each
> 802.1X identity ?
> 802.1x ID     Password     IP
> user001       secret01
> user002       superpwd02
> If a device owner connects a second device providing the same 802.1
> identity, I would like the first device to be kicked off the network.

wouldn't those two devices be kicking each other out constantly as they
try to re-connect?

> Could it be possible with latest Freeradius ?
> Comments ?
> Suggestions ?
> Best regards
> -
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Alejandro Perez-Mendez
Technical Specialist (AAA), Trust & Identity
Skype alejandro_perez_mendez

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