Does effective Simultaneous-Use requires radutmp or database to work OK ?

Matthew Newton mcn at
Tue Apr 5 12:45:15 UTC 2022

On 05/04/2022 13:31, Olivier wrote:
> In a WPA2 Enterprise wireless environment, I'm trying to control the
> number of simultaneous connections a user can have.
> My setup includes Freeradius 3.0.21 from Debian Bullseye's repo.

Rather than answering the question, my advice would be to simply not do 
that on a wireless network.

As a very basic example, wifi devices almost never actually disconnect 
from the network. They just wander out of range. Which means someone 
trying to connect to a second AP may not be able to, even if the first 
device was no longer connected to the first AP, because the original 
session has not yet timed out.

You will cause all sort of problems for your users, and your help desk 
will hate you with the additional workload.


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