<pre>> > 1)can i make so that each separate proxy.conf realm uses different
> > rlm_passwd file?
> Huh? I have no idea what you mean by this.
i had a thought that I could make so that all my users would have an access to
different servers (realms) with possibility to have different passwords. So, I
have no idea how to make this except the thought I wrote in one of my today
e-mails (about if statement).
> > 2)Is it possible to separate Reply attributes from passwd file, i mean -
> > passwd contains only username, but some other file (users(?)) is used
> > for giving back reply attributes?
> Yes. Di dyou try it?
yes, this is successfully done!Works great with two passwd files. I know that i
could use also rlm_attr module..
> Alan DeKok.
> -
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