to Alex M:<br>>If u are using MySQL you need to set, radiusd.config<br>>to read NAS table im MuSQL (look et the end of the config file, I >think it's a last line) and then add your NAS clients to NAS table im >db
<br>Thanks for your advice. Will you please explain and describe the detail to me ? I searched through the radiusd.conf and couldn't locate the entry for nas. And my NAS table in 'freeradius' database looks like the following:
<br>mysql> select * from nas;<br>+----+------------------------+---------------+---------+----------+---------------+-----------------+------------------+<br>| id | nasname |shortname | type | ports | secret | community | description |
<br>+-----+-----------------------+---------------+---------+----------+---------------+-----------------+-------------------+<br>| 1 | <a href=""></a> | liv1 | other | NULL | testing123 | NULL | RADIUS Client