Hi,<br><br>I have the home_server configuration which points to my localhost.<br>So the scenario is the following that when I receive the Accounting-Request<br>with the user name of the form user@domain I check the realm for particular domain
<br>and strip the user name and proxy it again to my home_server localhost - partcular realm have the pool which points to the localhost home_server<br>Problem is that there each accounting request is accounted twice.<br>
First time when request gets to freeradius and second after it enters again after proxing it through home_server pool.<br>What can I do about it. How can I disable such behavior??<br>I know that I can do it by setting particular as local without specifying the acctpool - but i still would like to use the pool.
<br>Can I somehow disable the first or the second accounting, what is the right way to do it??<br><br>Thank you for any help<br>Regards<br>Tomasz<br>