Greetings all..<br><br>Overview <br>Our local network folks have a FirePass VPN to allow external access to an application.<br>We are needing to setup a Radius server to authenticate<br>to the FirePass VPN appliance.<br><br>
Testing.<br>I have FreeRadius 1.1.7 set up on a zone on a Solaris 10 box and have begun testing.. This zone will only do this one task.. (Packages installed from SunFreeware - Blastwave FreeRadius package is 1.01)<br><br>
- Going through the output from /local/sbin/radiusd -X<br>- Tested with <br>radtest test test localhost 0 testing123<br>One error - Although this might be normal<br>Output <br>Sending Access-Request of id 169 to <a href=""></a> port 1812<br>
User-Name = "test"<br> User-Password = "test"<br> NAS-IP-Address = <a href=""></a><br> NAS-Port = 0<br>rad_recv: Access-Reject packet from host <a href=""></a>, id=169, length=20<br>
---------------<br>I am also reading the entire radiusd.conf file to get familiar with the settings.<br>Per the FAQ it *looks* like I need to use CHAP for authentication but have currently not gotten any farther than<br>that.<br>
<br>Sent an email to F5 (makers of FirePass) requesting information as to what protocol the "Radius" setting is expecting..<br><br>If anyone has any input if this combination will work,<br><br>