In FreeRADIUS 1.1, I can ask LDAP server to authenticate users with name foo@ldap by configuring like this:<br><br>--- File: hints ---<br><br>DEFAULT Suffix == "ldap", Strip-User-Name = Yes<br> Hint = "ldap"<br>
<br>--- File: users ---<br><br>DEFAULT Hint == "ldap", Auth-Type := LDAP<br><br>-- File: radiusd.conf ---<br><br>modules {<br> ldap {<br> ...<br> }<br>}<br><br>authorize {<br> ...<br> # ldap<br> ...<br>}<br>
<br>authenticate {<br> ...<br> Auth-Type LDAP {<br> ldap<br> }<br> ...<br>}<br><br>After upgrading to 2.0.4, when starting `radiusd -X' it failed with error:<br><br>/usr/local/FreeRADIUS-2.0.4/etc/raddb/users[179]: Parse error (check) for entry DEFAULT: Unknown value LDAP for attribute Auth-Type<br>
<br>2.0.4 does not support this usage any longer?<br>