<div>i have already add my vpn router to my client.conf file like this : </div><font size="2">
<p>client <a href=""></a> {</p>
<p>secret = root</p>
<p>shortname = cisco vpn</p>
<p>nastype = cisco</p>
<div></div></font> [...]
<div> </div>
<div> </div>
<div>the router also is already configured. here it is the configuration : </div>
<div> </div>
<div>Building configuration...<br><br>Current configuration : 1809 bytes<br>!<br>version 12.3<br>service timestamps debug datetime msec<br>service timestamps log datetime msec<br>no service password-encryption<br>!<br>hostname vpn<br>
!<br>boot-start-marker<br>boot-end-marker<br>!<br>!<br>memory-size iomem 10<br>aaa new-model<br>!<br>!<br>aaa authentication login default local line<br>aaa authentication login userauthen group radius<br>aaa authentication ppp default group radius<br>
aaa authorization console<br>aaa authorization exec default local <br>aaa authorization network VPN-REMOTE-ACCESS local <br>aaa accounting delay-start <br>aaa accounting update periodic 180<br>aaa accounting network default start-stop group radius<br>
aaa session-id common<br>ip subnet-zero<br>!<br>!<br>ip cef<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>username root password 0 root<br>!<br>!<br>! <br>!<br>crypto isakmp policy 1<br>encr 3des<br>
authentication pre-share<br>group 2<br>crypto isakmp keepalive 20 10<br>!<br>crypto isakmp client configuration group VPN-REMOTE-ACCESS<br>key test123<br>dns <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a><br>
pool REMOTE-POOL<br>!<br>!<br>crypto ipsec transform-set VPNTRANSFORM esp-3des esp-sha-hmac <br>no crypto ipsec nat-transparency udp-encaps<br>!<br>crypto dynamic-map DYNMAP 1<br>set transform-set VPNTRANSFORM <br>reverse-route<br>
!<br>!<br>crypto map CLIENTMAP client authentication list userauthen<br>crypto map CLIENTMAP isakmp authorization list VPN-REMOTE-ACCESS<br>crypto map CLIENTMAP client configuration address respond<br>crypto map CLIENTMAP 65535 ipsec-isakmp dynamic DYNMAP <br>
!<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>interface Ethernet0/0<br>ip address <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a><br>full-duplex<br>!<br>interface Ethernet1/0<br>ip address <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a><br>
full-duplex<br>crypto map CLIENTMAP<br>!<br>ip local pool REMOTE-POOL <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a><br>ip http server<br>no ip http secure-server<br>ip classless<br>!<br>
!<br>!<br>!<br>radius-server configure-nas<br>radius-server host <a href=""></a> auth-port 1812 acct-port 1813<br>radius-server key root<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>!<br>line con 0<br>line aux 0<br>
line vty 0 4<br>!<br>!<br>end</div>
<div>i have made a test on my router to request the radius server : </div>
<div>routerVPN# test aaa group login password radius new-code</div>
<div>and it works correctly !</div>
<div> </div>
<div>to make a vpn connection with a client i'm usinf the "UGent Vpn" software.</div>
<div>i saw in documentation on the site of cisco that i'm must configure "cisco-av-pair" in the radius server but i don't know and i don't have a graphic mode </div>
<div>here it is the cisco web site :</div>
<div><a href="http://www.cisco.com/en/US/tech/tk583/tk372/technologies_configuration_example09186a00800949ba.shtml#rad_cfg">http://www.cisco.com/en/US/tech/tk583/tk372/technologies_configuration_example09186a00800949ba.shtml#rad_cfg</a></div>
<div> </div>
<div>thank you very much for your reponses ;-)</div>
<div> </div>
<div> </div>
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