.hmmessage P
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hi everyone<BR>
i use fedora 9 and freeraidus 2.0.5<BR>
i want to use mysql database for user lists and i want to limit time users login for example 3 hour or 3 days<BR>
i looked documents for howto wpa<BR>
i create the radius db by db_mysql.sql<BR>
configure the sql.conf by writein login mysql password<BR>
and include sql.conf in radiusd.conf<BR>
but i only cant correct the statement, i think they are for 1.1.7<BR>
authorise {<BR> preprocess<BR> chap<BR> mschap<BR> suffix<BR> eap<BR> # We leave "files" enabled to allow creation of test users in /etc/raddb/users<BR> files<BR> sql<BR> pap<BR>}<BR><BR>accounting {<BR> # We leave "detail" enabled to _additionally_ log accounting to /var/log/radius/radacct<BR> detail<BR> sql<BR>}<BR>
i add this statment end of the radiusd.conf but it doesnt work<BR>
i am new at freeradius and linux,<BR>
thanks for replay<BR>
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