<pre style="font-size: 9pt;"><tt><tt><br>
[>Thanks for the response. My original email was very lengthy, but at the bottom <br>
you can see a wireshark capture showing the packet arrival. (My understanding is <br>
wireshark is a pretty GUI based on tcpdump)<br>
Yes, it arrived but can't get through the firewall. You say you are<br>
using default freeradius configuration, so you haven't done anything<br>
strange to listen section to cause this - it has to be tha firewall.]<br>
OK, I'll investigate the firewall this morning - I am new to openSUSE so I don't know where that is but hopefully google will point me in the right direction.<br>
FYI - I uninstalled both installations, removed all the files under /etc/raddb and reinstalled only editing "users and clients.conf"<br>
What I found is on the machine which has a full 32 bit version of openSUSE 11.1 installed that radiusd did not respond from other host. It did respond to radtest from another terminal window on the same machine<br>
I then started Linux using a openSUSE 64 bit "live CD" on my machine (because its hard drive has windows). In installed the basic packages needed to get freeradius running (C/C++ dev, gnu make etc) - I used an identical "users and client.conf file" with 24 bit mask for clients in<br>
On the liveCD host the freeradius server works! - so perhaps it is a lack of firewall?<br>
Note: I alsotraied changing the NAS-ID as suggested in another thread - that did not seem to make any difference did not work with either NAS ID while worked with either<br>
Thanks for the tips - I will cross my fingers it is a firewall setting that is installed by default in openSUSE 11.1<br>
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