hi there, my name is Ernesto from Chile and i'm doing my final project using a RADIUS server. I'm writing because i have some troubles to start the server. I use Debian Lenny and the output of the debug is this:<br>
<br><i>casa:/usr/local/etc/raddb# radiusd -X<br>radiusd: error while loading shared libraries: <a href="http://libfreeradius-radius-2.1.5.so">libfreeradius-radius-2.1.5.so</a>: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory</i><br>
<br>i know that i have to point to the right directions of where are the libraries, but i don't have so much experience using linux, and if you could give me some info to fix the problem it would be nice. <br><br>Best regards and thanks for the help.<br>
<br>Ernesto Cádiz Lara. <br>