hello,<br> I'm trying to use unlang to limit LDAP user's access to different network devices. Here is what I have so far in the site-enable/default:<br><br>Auth-Type LDAP {<br> ldap<br> <br> if(NAS-IP-Address == && LDAP-Group == 'RouterAdmin') {<br>
ok<br> }<br> else {<br> reject<br> }<br> }<br><br><br>Right now that works if your LDAP radiusGroupName = RouterAdmin and you are trying to connect to but i would like to add NAS-IP-Addresses and associate them with a radiusGroupName. This is were I'm having trouble. It would be nice it I could just reference a file for the IP's like:<br>
<br>RouterAdminList = /usr/local/etc/raddbd/devices/RouterAdmin<br><br>if(NAS-IP-Address == %{RouterAdminList} && LDAP-Group == 'RouterAdmin') {<br><br>And have multiple lines.:<br><br>if(NAS-IP-Address == %{RouterAdminList} && LDAP-Group == 'RouterAdmin') OR<br>
if(NAS-IP-Address == %{SwitchAdminList} && LDAP-Group == 'SwitchAdmin') OR<br>if(NAS-IP-Address == %{WifiAdminList} && LDAP-Group == 'WifiAdmin') {<br> ok<br>
else {<br>
}<br><br>How would i do that? And how would list the IP address in the files?<br><br><br>Thanks for your help,<br><br>Scott<br>