Okay, just to update everyone and for others that might search this mail-listing:<br><br>I have finally gotten it, using the code below in the authorize section I can send host authentication to multiple proxies based on domain name<br>
<br> if ( User-Name =~ /^host\//i ) {<br> if ( User-Name =~ /\\.first\\.domain$/i ) {<br>
update control {<br>
Proxy-To-Realm := "first.domain"<br>
} <br>
if ( User-Name =~ /\\.second\\.domain$/i ) {<br>
update control {<br>
Proxy-To-Realm := "second.domain"<br>
} <br>
if ( User-Name =~ /\\.first\\.domain$/i ) {<br>
update control {<br>
Proxy-To-Realm := "third.domain"<br>
} <br>
}<br><br>For whatever reason I had to use 2 backslashes in front of the period in the domain names?? But anyway, this part of the project is working.<br><br>Thanks for all the help!<br>Bob<br>