<br>Sorry if I mistaken and sorry for my english. I think you can use one of the next two options. Correct me if I'm wrong.<br><br>OPTION A<br><br>You can use unlang doing something like that:<br><br>### /etc/freeradius/proxy.conf<br>
<br>realm your.realm {<br>
# authhost = LOCAL # not strictly necessary<br>
# accthost = LOCAL # not strictly necessary<br>
# nostrip<br>
<br>### /etc/freeradius/sites-enable/default<br><br>authorize {<br> . . .<br> suffix<br><br> if ("%{Realm}" == /your\.realm$/){<br> update control {<br> Auth-Type = Reject<br>
}<br>}<br><br>OPTION B<br><br>Using hints and users files:<br><br>### /etc/freeradius/hints<br><br>DEFAULT Suffix == "your.realm"<br> Hint = "MYUSERS",<br><br>### /etc/freeradius/users<br>
<br>DEFAULT Hint == "MYUSERS", Auth-Type := RejectB<br><br><br>____________________<br><br> Ana Gallardo Gómez<br>____________________<br>