hello,<br><br>to sum up my case.<br><br>1) radius authenticate user in users file<br>2) my client is windows xp wired<br>3) successfull vlan is set to 100<br><br> Tunnel-Type = VLAN,<br> Tunnel-Medium-type = IEEE-802,<br>
Tunnel-Private-Group-ID = 100<br><br><br>so, if auth successed the switch assign to vlan100 , it works. (fa0/24)<br>but if auth fails, i'd like to send him to vlan 120<br><br>so in my fa0/24 i did:<br>
<br>interface FastEthernet0/24<br> switchport access vlan 100<br> switchport mode access<br> dot1x pae authenticator<br> dot1x port-control auto<br> dot1x auth-fail vlan 120 => here supposed to send it to vlan 120<br>
spanning-tree portfast<br><br><br>BUT, in case of auth failed, it doesn't work<br><br>Anybody can help me?<br><br><br><br>