HI,<br><br>i can do accounting with mysql, it's working so fine.<br><br>but i noticed that i don't have the real ip address of a workstation connected.<br>i got this<br><br>+-----------------+---------------------+---------------------+-------------------+-----------------+<br>
| FramedIPAddress | AcctStartTime | AcctStopTime | CallingStationId | FramedIPAddress |<br>+-----------------+---------------------+---------------------+-------------------+-----------------+<br>| bernard | 2010-03-16 13:07:29 | 2010-03-16 13:10:35 | 00-18-8B-B5-26-B7 | | <br>
<br>what is FramedIPAddress stand for? => cause i don't know this ip address<br>how can retrie the real ip address ? (wired)<br><br><br>thanks<br>