Hello <br>i'm using DHCP Option 82 with Freeradius auth.<br>it uses several fields as username for auth: User-Name, agent-remote-id and agent-circuit-id.<br>User-Name is mac address of cdhcp-client, and comes to radius in normal format "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff"<br>
agent-remote-id and agent-circuit-id - are combination of dhcp-client mac address, vlan id, port id, slot id of dhcp relay.<br><br>they should come in same normal hex format aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff but lil bit bit longer e.g.:<br>
Agent-Remote-Id = 0006000ded21a480<br>Agent-Circuit-Id = 000400020000<br><br>But they are coming in this unknow unreadable format:<br>Agent-Remote-Id = "\000\006\000\r\355!\244\200"<br>Agent-Circuit-Id = "\000\004\000\002\000"<br>
<br>dictionary used is Redback with attributes 96 and 97....i've tried both octets and string format in dictionary for this attributes.<br><br>How can i tell freeradius to work with this attributes in normal format ?<br>
Other way i've to enter this stupid strings in users db to authenticate user (it works like this right now).<br><br>There is other commercial multi OS radius server built on perl "RADIATOR" and it works like charm with only few string in its rad.conf. (in my case it's working on WinXP, and FreeRadius main server on CentOS)<br>
<br>here is debug output of both radius servers:<br><br>FreeRadius:<br>rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host port 50213, id=4, length=143<br> NAS-Port-Type = Ethernet<br> NAS-Port = 2210402311<br> Calling-Station-Id = "1:0:c:42:40:40:38"<br>
Called-Station-Id = "CLIENTS_pool1"<br> User-Name = "00:0C:42:40:40:38"<br> User-Password = ""<br> <u>Agent-Remote-Id = "\000\006\000\r\355!\244\200"<br> Agent-Circuit-Id = "\000\004\000\002\000"</u><br>
NAS-Identifier = "R1"<br> NAS-IP-Address =<br><br>Radiator<br>Attributes:<br> NAS-Port-Type = Ethernet<br> NAS-Port = 2213543991<br> Calling-Station-Id = "1:0:c:42:40:40:38"<br>
Framed-IP-Address =<br> Called-Station-Id = "CLIENTS_pool1"<br> User-Name = "00:0C:42:40:40:38"<br> User-Password = <230><182><134>I<22><196><196><178>\#<8>Uq<251><162><201><br>
<u> RB-Agent-Remote-Id = 0006000ded21a480<br> RB-Agent-Circuit-Id = 000400020000</u><br> NAS-Identifier = "R1"<br> NAS-IP-Address =<br><br>Link on my mikrotik forum with detail wireshark sniffing: <a href="http://forum.mikrotik.com/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=47083">http://forum.mikrotik.com/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=47083</a><br>