.hmmessage P
font-size: 10pt;
<body class='hmmessage'>
<FONT face=NimbusMonL-Regu><FONT face=NimbusMonL-Regu>
<FONT size=1><SPAN title="" fd="Hello!
" ed="Hola!!!" closure_uid_3pcbfh="158">Hello!<BR><BR></SPAN><SPAN title="" fd="In the file users add the user" ed="En el archivo users agregue el usuario" closure_uid_3pcbfh="159">In the file users add the user jorge Auth-Type := Local , User-Password == "jorge"</SPAN></FONT><BR>
<SPAN title="" fd="In the file users add the user" ed="En el archivo users agregue el usuario" closure_uid_3pcbfh="159"><FONT size=1></FONT></SPAN> <BR>
<FONT size=1></FONT> <BR>
<SPAN title="" fd="place the following command" ed="coloque el siguiente comando" closure_uid_3pcbfh="753"><FONT size=1>place the following command</FONT></SPAN><BR>
<FONT size=1></FONT> <BR><FONT face=NimbusMonL-Regu><FONT face=NimbusMonL-Regu>
<P align=left><FONT size=1>:~$ radtest jorge jorge localhost 1812 testing123</FONT></P>
<P align=left><FONT size=1></FONT> </P>
<P align=left><SPAN title="" fd="and the result is
" ed="y el resultado es" closure_uid_3pcbfh="832"><FONT size=1>and the result is<BR><BR></FONT></SPAN></P>
<P align=left><FONT size=1>Sending Access-Request of id 19 to port 1812</FONT></P>
<P align=left><FONT size=1>User-Name = "jorge"</FONT></P>
<P align=left><FONT size=1>User-Password = "jorge"</FONT></P>
<P align=left><FONT size=1>NAS-IP-Address =</FONT></P>
<P align=left><FONT size=1>NAS-Port = 1812</FONT></P>
<FONT size=1>rad_recv: Access-Accept packet from host, id=19, length=2</FONT><BR>
<FONT size=1></FONT> <BR>
<FONT size=1>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</FONT><BR>
<FONT size=1><SPAN title="" fd="after
" ed="despues" closure_uid_3pcbfh="874">After </SPAN><SPAN title="" fd="add" ed="agregar" closure_uid_3pcbfh="875">add <SPAN title="" fd="the
" ed="el" closure_uid_3pcbfh="887">the </SPAN></SPAN></FONT><FONT size=1><SPAN title="" fd="add" ed="agregar" closure_uid_3pcbfh="875"><SPAN style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ebeff9" title="" fd="user" ed="usuario" closure_uid_3pcbfh="888">user </SPAN></SPAN></FONT><FONT size=1><SPAN title="" fd="add" ed="agregar" closure_uid_3pcbfh="875"><SPAN style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ebeff9" title="" fd="user" ed="usuario" closure_uid_3pcbfh="888"> 00- 07 -E9- C7 -51- 89 Auth-Type := Local , User-Password == "mac" </SPAN></SPAN></FONT><SPAN title="" fd="and the result is
" ed="y el resultado es" closure_uid_3pcbfh="832"><FONT size=1><FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ebeff9"><U><STRONG><SPAN style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #e6ecf9; COLOR: #000" title="" fd="note" ed="nota" closure_uid_3pcbfh="892"><SPAN style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #e6ecf9; COLOR: #000" title="" fd="note this is a mac address" ed="nota esto is una direccion mac" closure_uid_3pcbfh="914">note this is a mac address</SPAN></SPAN> 00- 07 -E9- C7 -51- 89</STRONG> </U> </FONT></FONT></SPAN><BR>
<P align=left><SPAN title="" fd="and the result is
" ed="y el resultado es" closure_uid_3pcbfh="832"><FONT size=1></FONT></SPAN> </P><SPAN title="" fd="and the result is
" ed="y el resultado es" closure_uid_3pcbfh="832"><FONT size=1>
<FONT size=1></FONT> <BR><FONT face=NimbusMonL-Regu><FONT face=NimbusMonL-Regu>
<P align=left><FONT size=1>:~$ radtest <FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ebeff9">00- 07 -E9- C7 -51- 89</FONT> mac localhost 1812 testing123</FONT></P>
<P align=left> </P></FONT></FONT></FONT></SPAN>
<P align=left><SPAN title="" fd="and the result is
" ed="y el resultado es" closure_uid_3pcbfh="832"><FONT size=1>and the result is<BR></P></FONT></SPAN>
<FONT size=1>Sending Acces-Request of id 208 to port 1812<BR> User-Name = "<SPAN title="" fd="add" ed="agregar" closure_uid_3pcbfh="875"><SPAN style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ebeff9" title="" fd="user" ed="usuario" closure_uid_3pcbfh="888"> 00- 07 -E9- C7 -51- 89</SPAN></SPAN>"<BR> User-Password = "<FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ebeff9">mac</FONT>"<BR> Nas-IP-Address =<BR> Nas-Port = 1812<BR> Framed-Protocol = PPP<BR><BR>radclient: no response from server for ID 208 socket 3</FONT><BR>
<FONT size=1><BR><SPAN title="" fd="help to solve the problem
" ed="ayuda para resolver el problema" closure_uid_3pcbfh="1011"><STRONG><U>help to solve the problem<BR style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ebeff9"></U></STRONG><BR></SPAN></FONT></FONT></FONT></FONT></FONT> </body>