Hello,<div><br></div><div>I'm trying to figure out how to proxy CoA packets. I have read through a similar thread on this list ( <a href="http://lists.freeradius.org/mailman/htdig/freeradius-users/2010-July/msg00335.html">http://lists.freeradius.org/mailman/htdig/freeradius-users/2010-July/msg00335.html</a> ), but somehow I cannot get it to work.</div>
<div><br></div><div>My setup is the following:</div><div><br></div><div>In my proxy.conf:</div><div><br></div><div><div>home_server nas_coa {</div><div> type = coa</div><div> ipaddr =</div><div> port = 3799</div>
<div> coa {</div><div> irt = 2</div><div> mrt = 16</div><div> mrc = 5</div><div> mrd = 30</div><div> }</div><div> secret = testing123</div><div>}</div><div>home_server_pool to_coa_nas {</div>
<div> home_server = nas_coa</div><div>}</div></div><div><br></div><div>I have updated the sites-enabled/coa to look as below:</div><div><div><br></div><div>listen {</div><div> type = coa</div><div> ipaddr = *</div>
<div> port = 3799</div><div> server = coa</div><div>}</div><div><br></div><div>server coa {</div><div> recv-coa {</div><div> update control {</div><div> Home-Server-Pool := "to_coa_nas"</div>
<div> }</div><div> }</div><div> send-coa {</div><div> # Sample module.</div><div> ok</div><div> }</div><div>}</div></div><div><br></div><div>When I'm sending a Disconnect packet, I get the following:</div>
<div><br></div><div><div>Wed Dec 15 12:06:41 2010 : Info: Ready to process requests.</div><div>rad_recv: Disconnect-Request packet from host port 56343, id=51, length=50</div><div><span class="Apple-tab-span" style="white-space:pre"> </span>Framed-IP-Address =</div>
<div><span class="Apple-tab-span" style="white-space:pre"> </span>Acct-Session-Id = "D94F82E3300682B3"</div><div><span class="Apple-tab-span" style="white-space:pre"> </span>NAS-IP-Address =</div><div>Wed Dec 15 12:06:43 2010 : Info: server coa {</div>
<div>Wed Dec 15 12:06:43 2010 : Info: # Executing section recv-coa from file /Users/tripy/Devel/test-servers/freeradius-2.1.10/etc/raddb.proxy/sites-enabled/coa</div><div>Wed Dec 15 12:06:43 2010 : Info: +- entering group recv-coa {...}</div>
<div>Wed Dec 15 12:06:43 2010 : Info: ++[control] returns noop</div><div>Wed Dec 15 12:06:43 2010 : Info: # Executing section send-coa from file /Users/tripy/Devel/test-servers/freeradius-2.1.10/etc/raddb.proxy/sites-enabled/coa</div>
<div>Wed Dec 15 12:06:43 2010 : Info: +- entering group send-coa {...}</div><div>Wed Dec 15 12:06:43 2010 : Info: ++[ok] returns ok</div><div>Wed Dec 15 12:06:43 2010 : Info: } # server coa</div><div>Sending Disconnect-ACK of id 51 to port 56343</div>
</div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div>Clearly I am missing something obvious, but I cannot find what it is.</div><div>Any idea?</div><div><br></div><div>Thanks,</div><div>tripy</div>