<div>Hello, I'm new at the Freeradius and I'm deploying it with EAP-TLS to authenticate my Wireless users which will be authenticated against a OpenLDAP base.</div>
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<div>I'm using freeradius2 and when I make a test from other linux machine with command "radtest joao.vero jango123 2 meleca" it's working as follow out <br> <br>Sending Access-Request of id 45 to port 1645<br>
User-Name = "joao.vero"<br> User-Password = "jango123"<br> NAS-IP-Address =<br> NAS-Port = 2<br>rad_recv: Access-Accept packet from host <a href=""></a>, id=45, length=20</div>
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<div>But, when I'm going to authenticate wireless users from Win7 ( with EAP-TLS, I'm using the test certificate from /etc/raddb/certs/..) It isn't working. it's appear in log:<br> <br>TLS Alert read:fatal:unknown CA<br>
TLS_accept:failed in SSLv3 read client certificate A<br>rlm_eap: SSL error error:14094418:SSL routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:tlsv1 alert unknown ca<br>SSL: SSL_read failed inside of TLS (-1), TLS session fails.<br>TLS receive handshake failed during operation</div>
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<div>What I did until at the moment in ralation EAP-TLS:</div>
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<div>I've configured the eap.conf file to read the certificates from /etc/raddb/certs/... </div>
<div>I've create the user certificate ( as shows README in /etc/raddb/certs )</div>
<div>I've copied and installed two certificates to user machine: cliente.p12 and ca.der. the first as personal and the last as Trusted Root Certification Authorities</div>
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<div>I wish to use LDAP for authenticate my users but seems that User-Password must be Clear text. there is possible reach EAP-TLS with LDAP??<br> </div>
<div>What I have do ?? </div>
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<div>any help is welcome</div>
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