<div>Hi All,</div>
<div> I am using Freeradius 2.1.0</div>
<div> PEAP/TTLS is working fine and I am facing problem in TLS authentication. I am able to generate certificate but while connecting it throws Authentication error.<br clear="all"> Please let me know how to debug it.</div>
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<div><span lang="EN">
<p>rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host port 4906, id=6, length=147</p>
<p>User-Name = "<a href="mailto:maemo@nokia.com">maemo@nokia.com</a>"</p>
<p>NAS-IP-Address =</p>
<p>Called-Station-Id = "0023692c6f74"</p>
<p>Calling-Station-Id = "0025d05b72ab"</p>
<p>NAS-Identifier = "0023692c6f74"</p>
<p>NAS-Port = 2</p>
<p>Framed-MTU = 1400</p>
<p>State = 0xc0ff35f8c1fd389f4e860dc8a76c03f8</p>
<p>NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-802.11</p>
<p>EAP-Message = 0x020200060d00</p>
<p>Message-Authenticator = 0xcf453c67c6fe4f7695dbba231da2ba1e</p>
<p>+- entering group authorize {...}</p>
<p>++[preprocess] returns ok</p>
<p>++[chap] returns noop</p>
<p>++[mschap] returns noop</p>
<p>[suffix] Looking up realm "<a href="http://nokia.com">nokia.com</a>" for User-Name = "<a href="mailto:maemo@nokia.com">maemo@nokia.com</a>"</p>
<p>[suffix] Found realm "DEFAULT"</p>
<p>[suffix] Adding Stripped-User-Name = "maemo"</p>
<p>[suffix] Adding Realm = "DEFAULT"</p>
<p>[suffix] Authentication realm is LOCAL.</p>
<p>++[suffix] returns ok</p>
<p>[eap] EAP packet type response id 2 length 6</p>
<p>[eap] No EAP Start, assuming it's an on-going EAP conversation</p>
<p>++[eap] returns updated</p>
<p>++[unix] returns updated</p>
<p>[files] users: Matched entry maemo at line 74</p>
<p>++[files] returns ok</p>
<p>++[expiration] returns noop</p>
<p>++[logintime] returns noop</p>
<p>[pap] Found existing Auth-Type, not changing it.</p>
<p>++[pap] returns noop</p>
<p>Found Auth-Type = EAP</p>
<p>+- entering group authenticate {...}</p>
<p>[eap] Request found, released from the list</p>
<p>[eap] EAP/tls</p>
<p>[eap] processing type tls</p>
<p>[tls] Authenticate</p>
<p>[tls] processing EAP-TLS</p>
<p>[tls] Received TLS ACK</p>
<p>[tls] ACK handshake fragment handler</p>
<p>[tls] eaptls_verify returned 1 </p>
<p>[tls] eaptls_process returned 13 </p>
<p>++[eap] returns handled</p>
<p>Sending Access-Challenge of id 6 to port 4906</p>
<p>EAP-Message = 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</p>
<p>EAP-Message = 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</p>
<p>EAP-Message = 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</p>
<p>EAP-Message = 0x31954bd3c5a8c13dac220146915074390da01b0cf44950935ca2fad0bbca312ad8d1ac38a0ad88e51bc7bfc4df349d238aa9dee95ccc333e46e422da2fd67073a5fc1d6109e623efdf7be334a6746b4d3eb012ddb331600471732e961861980a4d0a146e56ee383e1717a209476a34d2ad7153a00f0729976f4d73d4979dc992ab8cc4515787e68afd1979038963882c5f55ed1d038c137689ef3e0fa52d63eabe0466ef126564ff4627776f31dba8bd91b9c486ddf6e8399c755bd29456cfed9bda7890851bfb23d3c381e5176a6b6c86ea9cefc5b7428409e35a794775d27f1664c06aeb46842f61c6145a71a7a0fdea54e316030100800d00007803</p>
<p>EAP-Message = 0x01024000720070306e310b30</p>
<p>Message-Authenticator = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000</p>
<p>State = 0xc0ff35f8c2fc389f4e860dc8a76c03f8</p>
<p>Finished request 156.</p>
<p>Going to the next request</p>
<p>Waking up in 0.4 seconds.</p>
<p>rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host port 4908, id=6, length=147</p>
<p>User-Name = "<a href="mailto:maemo@nokia.com">maemo@nokia.com</a>"</p>
<p>NAS-IP-Address =</p>
<p>Called-Station-Id = "0023692c6f74"</p>
<p>Calling-Station-Id = "0025d05b72ab"</p>
<p>NAS-Identifier = "0023692c6f74"</p>
<p>NAS-Port = 2</p>
<p>Framed-MTU = 1400</p>
<p>State = 0xc0ff35f8c2fc389f4e860dc8a76c03f8</p>
<p>NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-802.11</p>
<p>EAP-Message = 0x020300060d00</p>
<p>Message-Authenticator = 0xdeea6893aacbe253ed951368cec20746</p>
<p>+- entering group authorize {...}</p>
<p>++[preprocess] returns ok</p>
<p>++[chap] returns noop</p>
<p>++[mschap] returns noop</p>
<p>[suffix] Looking up realm "<a href="http://nokia.com">nokia.com</a>" for User-Name = "<a href="mailto:maemo@nokia.com">maemo@nokia.com</a>"</p>
<p>[suffix] Found realm "DEFAULT"</p>
<p>[suffix] Adding Stripped-User-Name = "maemo"</p>
<p>[suffix] Adding Realm = "DEFAULT"</p>
<p>[suffix] Authentication realm is LOCAL.</p>
<p>++[suffix] returns ok</p>
<p>[eap] EAP packet type response id 3 length 6</p>
<p>[eap] No EAP Start, assuming it's an on-going EAP conversation</p>
<p>++[eap] returns updated</p>
<p>++[unix] returns updated</p>
<p>[files] users: Matched entry maemo at line 74</p>
<p>++[files] returns ok</p>
<p>++[expiration] returns noop</p>
<p>++[logintime] returns noop</p>
<p>[pap] Found existing Auth-Type, not changing it.</p>
<p>++[pap] returns noop</p>
<p>Found Auth-Type = EAP</p>
<p>+- entering group authenticate {...}</p>
<p>[eap] Request found, released from the list</p>
<p>[eap] EAP/tls</p>
<p>[eap] processing type tls</p>
<p>[tls] Authenticate</p>
<p>[tls] processing EAP-TLS</p>
<p>[tls] Received TLS ACK</p>
<p>[tls] ACK handshake fragment handler</p>
<p>[tls] eaptls_verify returned 1 </p>
<p>[tls] eaptls_process returned 13 </p>
<p>++[eap] returns handled</p>
<p>Sending Access-Challenge of id 6 to port 4908</p>
<p>EAP-Message = 0x010400790d800000085b0906035504061302494e310b3009060355040813024b413112301006035504071309536f6d657768657265310e300c060355040a13054e6f6b6961311e301c06092a864886f70d010901160f6d616d656f406e6f6b69612e636f6d310e300c060355040313054d6565676f0e000000</p>
<p>Message-Authenticator = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000</p>
<p>State = 0xc0ff35f8c3fb389f4e860dc8a76c03f8</p>
<p>Finished request 157.</p>
<p>Going to the next request</p>
<p>Waking up in 0.4 seconds.</p>
<p>rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host port 4910, id=6, length=154</p>
<p>User-Name = "<a href="mailto:maemo@nokia.com">maemo@nokia.com</a>"</p>
<p>NAS-IP-Address =</p>
<p>Called-Station-Id = "0023692c6f74"</p>
<p>Calling-Station-Id = "0025d05b72ab"</p>
<p>NAS-Identifier = "0023692c6f74"</p>
<p>NAS-Port = 2</p>
<p>Framed-MTU = 1400</p>
<p>State = 0xc0ff35f8c3fb389f4e860dc8a76c03f8</p>
<p>NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-802.11</p>
<p>EAP-Message = 0x0204000d0d001503010002012a</p>
<p>Message-Authenticator = 0x782f15b2fce0fe49f406f1cb224b1ccf</p>
<p>+- entering group authorize {...}</p>
<p>++[preprocess] returns ok</p>
<p>++[chap] returns noop</p>
<p>++[mschap] returns noop</p>
<p>[suffix] Looking up realm "<a href="http://nokia.com">nokia.com</a>" for User-Name = "<a href="mailto:maemo@nokia.com">maemo@nokia.com</a>"</p>
<p>[suffix] Found realm "DEFAULT"</p>
<p>[suffix] Adding Stripped-User-Name = "maemo"</p>
<p>[suffix] Adding Realm = "DEFAULT"</p>
<p>[suffix] Authentication realm is LOCAL.</p>
<p>++[suffix] returns ok</p>
<p>[eap] EAP packet type response id 4 length 13</p>
<p>[eap] No EAP Start, assuming it's an on-going EAP conversation</p>
<p>++[eap] returns updated</p>
<p>++[unix] returns updated</p>
<p>[files] users: Matched entry maemo at line 74</p>
<p>++[files] returns ok</p>
<p>++[expiration] returns noop</p>
<p>++[logintime] returns noop</p>
<p>[pap] Found existing Auth-Type, not changing it.</p>
<p>++[pap] returns noop</p>
<p>Found Auth-Type = EAP</p>
<p>+- entering group authenticate {...}</p>
<p>[eap] Request found, released from the list</p>
<p>[eap] EAP/tls</p>
<p>[eap] processing type tls</p>
<p>[tls] Authenticate</p>
<p>[tls] processing EAP-TLS</p>
<p>[tls] eaptls_verify returned 7 </p>
<p>[tls] Done initial handshake</p>
<p>[tls] <<< TLS 1.0 Alert [length 0002], warning bad_certificate </p>
<p>TLS Alert read:warning:bad certificate </p>
<p>[tls] TLS_accept: Need to read more data: SSLv3 read client certificate A</p>
<p>In SSL Handshake Phase </p>
<p>In SSL Accept mode </p>
<p>SSL Application Data</p>
<p>TLS failed during operation</p>
<p>[tls] eaptls_process returned 4 </p>
<p>[eap] Handler failed in EAP/tls</p>
<p>[eap] Failed in EAP select</p>
<p>++[eap] returns invalid</p>
<p>Failed to authenticate the user.</p>
<p>Using Post-Auth-Type Reject</p>
<p>+- entering group REJECT {...}</p>
<p>expand: %{User-Name} -> <a href="mailto:maemo@nokia.com">maemo@nokia.com</a></p>
<p>attr_filter: Matched entry DEFAULT at line 11</p>
<p>++[attr_filter.access_reject] returns updated</p>
<p>Delaying reject of request 158 for 1 seconds</p>
<p>Going to the next request</p>
<p>Waking up in 0.4 seconds.</p>
<p>rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host port 4912, id=6, length=136</p>
<p>User-Name = "<a href="mailto:maemo@nokia.com">maemo@nokia.com</a>"</p>
<p>NAS-IP-Address =</p>
<p>Called-Station-Id = "0023692c6f74"</p>
<p>Calling-Station-Id = "0025d05b72ab"</p>
<p>NAS-Identifier = "0023692c6f74"</p>
<p>NAS-Port = 2</p>
<p>Framed-MTU = 1400</p>
<p>NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-802.11</p>
<p>EAP-Message = 0x0204000d0d001503010002020a</p>
<p>Message-Authenticator = 0x542730d7c53937fe5e038692a71646ff</p>
<p>+- entering group authorize {...}</p>
<p>++[preprocess] returns ok</p>
<p>++[chap] returns noop</p>
<p>++[mschap] returns noop</p>
<p>[suffix] Looking up realm "<a href="http://nokia.com">nokia.com</a>" for User-Name = "<a href="mailto:maemo@nokia.com">maemo@nokia.com</a>"</p>
<p>[suffix] Found realm "DEFAULT"</p>
<p>[suffix] Adding Stripped-User-Name = "maemo"</p>
<p>[suffix] Adding Realm = "DEFAULT"</p>
<p>[suffix] Authentication realm is LOCAL.</p>
<p>++[suffix] returns ok</p>
<p>[eap] EAP packet type response id 4 length 13</p>
<p>[eap] No EAP Start, assuming it's an on-going EAP conversation</p>
<p>++[eap] returns updated</p>
<p>++[unix] returns updated</p>
<p>[files] users: Matched entry maemo at line 74</p>
<p>++[files] returns ok</p>
<p>++[expiration] returns noop</p>
<p>++[logintime] returns noop</p>
<p>[pap] Found existing Auth-Type, not changing it.</p>
<p>++[pap] returns noop</p>
<p>Found Auth-Type = EAP</p>
<p>+- entering group authenticate {...}</p>
<p>[eap] Either EAP-request timed out OR EAP-response to an unknown EAP-request</p>
<p>[eap] Failed in handler</p>
<p>++[eap] returns invalid</p>
<p>Failed to authenticate the user.</p>
<p>Using Post-Auth-Type Reject</p>
<p>+- entering group REJECT {...}</p>
<p>expand: %{User-Name} -> <a href="mailto:maemo@nokia.com">maemo@nokia.com</a></p>
<p>attr_filter: Matched entry DEFAULT at line 11</p>
<p>++[attr_filter.access_reject] returns updated</p>
<p>Delaying reject of request 159 for 1 seconds</p>
<p>Going to the next request</p>
<p>Waking up in 0.4 seconds.</p>
<p>Cleaning up request 146 ID 6 with timestamp +2141</p>
<p>Cleaning up request 147 ID 6 with timestamp +2141</p>
<p>Waking up in 0.5 seconds.</p>
<p>Sending delayed reject for request 158</p>
<p>Sending Access-Reject of id 6 to port 4910</p>
<p>EAP-Message = 0x04040004</p>
<p>Message-Authenticator = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000</p>
<p>Sending delayed reject for request 159</p>
<p>Sending Access-Reject of id 6 to port 4912</p>
<p>Waking up in 1.1 seconds.</p>
<p>Cleaning up request 148 ID 6 with timestamp +2143</p>
<p>Cleaning up request 149 ID 6 with timestamp +2143</p>
<p>Cleaning up request 150 ID 6 with timestamp +2143</p>
<p>Cleaning up request 151 ID 6 with timestamp +2143</p>
<p>Waking up in 1.0 seconds.</p>
<p>Cleaning up request 152 ID 6 with timestamp +2143</p>
<p>Cleaning up request 153 ID 6 with timestamp +2143</p>
<p>Waking up in 1.7 seconds.</p>
<p>Cleaning up request 154 ID 6 with timestamp +2146</p>
<p>Cleaning up request 155 ID 6 with timestamp +2146</p>
<p>Cleaning up request 156 ID 6 with timestamp +2146</p>
<p>Cleaning up request 157 ID 6 with timestamp +2146</p>
<p>Waking up in 1.0 seconds.</p>
<p>Cleaning up request 158 ID 6 with timestamp +2146</p>
<p>Cleaning up request 159 ID 6 with timestamp +2146</p></span><br>-- <br>"Adversity always presents opportunity for Introspection"<br><br>Regards<br>Senthil<br></div>