I have gotten freeradius up and going and authenicating to Active directory by using the following how to: <a href="http://deployingradius.com/documents/configuration/active_directory.html" target="_blank">http://deployingradius.com/documents/configuration/active_directory.html</a>. I am using ntlm_auth to authenicate the users agaist Active Directory. The question i have is, is there a way I can create a group in Active Directory and have only users in that group have access to authenicate?<br>
<br>Basically what I am doing or trying to do is use freeradius to authenicate users for wireless access. I don't want every one to have access that is in Active Dir. I would like to create a group called wifi or something similar and put users in that group that are allowed to authnicate. Is this possible using ntlm_auth and if so could some one point me in the direction on getting this set up. Thanks in advance!<br>