A question for Alan, or others on the list.<br><br>There is the FR LDAP Schema LDIF file to import FreeRadius related schema into your LDAP directory.<br><br>Searching around it seems that OID up to 68 is allocated.<br>
<br><a href="http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.comp.freeradius.devel/6134">http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.comp.freeradius.devel/6134</a><br><br>Who "owns" the OID and I could ask to get 69 registered formally?<br>
<br>I would like to add the LDAP Attribute "radiusFramedPool" for Framed-Pool VSA<br><br>Should I just build a DIFF and submit it to the list, or is there an owner of the OID numbering who I would need to contact?<br>