> ++- if (!Huntgroup-Name) returns ok ++? if (Huntgroup-Name == "list")<br>
> (Attribute Huntgroup-Name was not found)<br>
>the <span class="il">problem</span> seems to be your huntgroup.. Can you post your huntgroup<br>
>Jens Weibler<br>
>IT-Services<br clear="all"><br>Hi,<br><br>In huntgroup I just have:<br><br>...........<br># Usuario = xxx xxx<br>list Calling-Station-Id == 0221.6ae0.cef8<br>............<br><br>Them in sites-available/inner-tunnel I have a script:<br>
<br><br>if(!Huntgroup-Name) {<br># reject<br> update reply {<br> Tunnel-Type = VLAN<br> Tunnel-Medium-Type = IEEE-802<br> Tunnel-Private-Group-Id = 249<br>
}<br>}<br>if(Huntgroup-Name == "list") {<br> if( Ldap-Group == "WIFI-Direccion") {<br> update reply {<br>
Tunnel-Type = VLAN<br> Tunnel-Medium-Type = IEEE-802<br> Tunnel-Private-Group-Id = 200<br> }<br>
<br><br>seems ok. What do you think?<br><br>Thanks a lot.<br>