<div dir="ltr"><div>G'day list<br><br></div><br><div>I have been tinkering with some Netgear managed L2/L3 switching stuff and got the<br>login working via freeradius (actually quite simple compared to EAP stuff for wireless).<br>
<br>But when issuing "enable" after login, going into what they call "Privileged EXEC" mode<br></div><div>it will - very similar to Cisco - send a request for a user $enab15$ to the radius server<br></div>
<div>when FR doesn't send Cisco own attribute value pair for privileges.<br><br></div><div>At leat defining such a user leads to working elevation to this privileged mode <br>but requires it instead of using the network admin's own password.<br>
<br></div><div>In general a lot of commands on these Netgears are (very much) simiar to Cisco IOS<br></div><div>where one can use <span style="color:rgb(255,0,0)">"shell:priv-lvl=15" avpair </span>during authentication so the Cisco switch/router <br>
know privilege level of the logged in user and thus won't ask for a $enab15$ user.<br><br>FreeRADIUS doesn't have a dictionnary for Netgear stuff yet, I don't think Netgear <br>copied Cisco's own AVpair use, but in case they do have own AV pairs, how do <br>
you guys generally identify them?<br><br></div><div>Best regards<br>Mathieu<br></div></div>