Hi Alan,<br><br>I am a bit confused right now. You mean to say that if suppose I want the number of authorize request that were OK,UPDATED,FAILED,HANDLED or REJECTED to be printed then I can use the radmin. Since the server DOES keep track of statistics per listener. And prints them out. <br><br>Is it correct?<br><br>Regards,<br>Sonu<br><br><br>From: Alan DeKok <aland@deployingradius.com><br>Sent: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 19:53:03 <br>To: FreeRadius users mailing list <freeradius-users@lists.freeradius.org><br>Subject: Re: Module Statistics in freeradius<br>Himanshu Pandey wrote:<br>
> Suppose for auth requests I want the statistics of authorize module. So<br>
> in listen.c I have seen a function call ret_code=process_authorize();.<br>
> So whatever is the ret_code of this module according to that a server<br>
> replies to NAS.<br>
That's not what you originally said.<br>
The server DOES keep track of statistics per listener. And prints<br>
them out. See the radmin "help" command.<br>
> If you find this OK, the same thing I will follow for Accounting and<br>
> Authentication requests as well.<br>
There's no need.<br>
Alan DeKok.<br>
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