dialup_admin & mysql

jose_andres at migracion.go.cr jose_andres at migracion.go.cr
Thu Oct 20 21:22:16 CEST 2005

Hello, I am trying to use the dialup_admin but interface cannot get it to
work with de buttons Statistics, New Users, New Group, Radius Client when
i browsed it i just see only blank page on it

I am used on dialup_conf sql.

sql_type: mysql
#sql_server: localhost
sql_server: Radius
sql_port: 3306
sql_username: root
sql_password: kimba
sql_database: dialup
sql_accounting_table: radacct
sql_badusers_table: badusers
sql_check_table: radcheck
sql_reply_table: radreply
sql_user_info_table: userinfo
sql_groupcheck_table: radgroupcheck
sql_groupreply_table: radgroupreply
sql_usergroup_table: usergroup
sql_total_accounting_table: totacct
sql_nas_table: nas

I am using apache_1.3.27, php_4.0.6, mysql 3.23.45 and freeradius_1.0.2

I used


and i can to look all informacion about mysql, apache and php.

Your help will be appreciated

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