rlm_python return tuple

Schweizer Laurent laurent.schweizer at eivd.ch
Tue Jun 14 10:54:26 CEST 2005



I try to use the rlm_phyton module and I have a little error with the


When I authorise a request I do (from the prepaid.py example with a little


time+''),),(('Auth-Type', 'python'),)) 


and I have a FAILED error.  



authorize: h323-credit-amount = h323-credit-amount=60

authorize: s1, s2 OK

authorize: Auth-Type = python

authorize: s1, s2 FAILED

rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host 193.x.x.x:1645, id=68, length=410

Sending Access-Reject of id 68 to 193.x.x.x:1645

        h323-credit-amount = "h323-credit-amount=60\n"



I have tried to remove the second tuple but in this case I have this error:

 tuple must be (return, replyTuple, configTuple)


what is the configTuple ?



Thanks for help



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