Loging of proxied requests

Josip Almasi joe at vrspace.org
Wed Aug 16 10:46:20 CEST 2006

Peter Nixon wrote:
> This is actually a change that I think everyone else could benefit from, as 
> well as the proxy logging change. (Clearer logs are always better) however 
> having a way to turn attributes on and off in the logs is a nice idea.
> I have not committed either patch yet because log formats are a sensitive 
> thing to change (You break people's monitoring systems..)
> Do you have a patch for configurable logging?

No but I'll write one.

I introduced a number of changes to freeradius to satisfy my requirements.
But all were done on 1.0.1 source. As it was one of requirements:)
Now I'm thinking of ways to introduce these to future freeradius releases.


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