Carlo Prestopino
c.prestopino at waitalia.com
Thu Feb 2 10:32:53 CET 2006
Hi all,
I would like to insert a check on users' MAC address operated by freeRADIUS.
The objective is to allow users to use only one MAC address to gain access
to a Wi-Fi network. The new query will check if user's MAC address is the
same of his first access, and deny access if he is using a different one.
To do this a new query needs to be inserted into /raddb/sql.conf to perform
this check in the authentication process, and the
src/modules/rlm_sql/rlm_sql.c needs to be modified.
Writing the new query is not a problem, but modifying rlm_sql.c seems to be
not so easy.
Could somebody give indication on how to do this in order to speed up
development process? A description of information flow
(variables/funtions/pointers) into rlm_sql.c might be useful.
Thank you in advance,
Best regards,
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