Problems about pam-freeradius

陈旭 gogocx at
Tue Feb 28 04:29:30 CET 2006


	I've got a server running redhat linux. I am testing to login with ssd2, which will send the login request to my correctly configured radius server(running freeradius 1.0.5, and sybase 12.5). I installed PAM following the guide carefully and things seemed to be OK. I've also insert the login info into Sybase(login info in radcheck, and reply info in radreply). After that, I rewrote the configure file: /etc/pam.d/sshd, and the new as following:

#auth       required service=system-auth
#auth       required
auth       required     /lib/security/
auth       sufficient   /lib/security/  conf=/etc/raddb/server/pam_radius_auth.conf  debug
auth       required     /lib/security/
account    required service=system-auth
password   required service=system-auth
session    required service=system-auth
session    required
session    optional

	so, I send a login request to the server, and expect that I can login the server correctly. But things start going wrong. I found my radius server has correctly authenticated the request, and an Access-Accept packet is sent to the server that I'm going to login. But the server seems to ignore the Access-Accept packet, and denied my request, though the login user name and the password is correct. I think I am quite near to success, but failed at the last step.

	Somebody tells me what is going wrong. How can I success login to the server with the pam and radius? Thanks a lot and any reply will be appreciated.

    MSN: oicqcx at


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