Custom Reply-Message for Simultaneous-Use

Josh Howlett josh.howlett at
Tue Jun 27 13:10:03 CEST 2006


I need to be able to return a user-specific Reply-Message attribute  
in the event of simultaneous-use being detected. In auth.c, this  
message is currently hard-coded.

I'm considering the following approach: if sim-use is detected, look  
for a new attribute in the reply items list whose value is the custom  
message. If it exists, use it for the Reply-Message; if not, use the  
existing hard-coded value.

Is this a sensible approach? If not, what should I do?

Many thanks, josh.

Josh Howlett, Networking Specialist, University of Bristol.
email: josh.howlett at | phone: +44 (0)7867 907076 |  
interal: 7850

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