Automatic report from sources (radiusd) between 23.04.2007 - 24.04.2007 GMT

Automatic cvs log generator cparker at
Tue Apr 24 10:03:38 CEST 2007

CVS log entries from 23.04.2007 (Mon) 08:00:01 - 24.04.2007 (Tue) 08:00:01 GMT
Summary by authors
Author: aland
	File: radiusd/src/modules/rlm_ldap/rlm_ldap.c; Revisions: 1.180,
	File: radiusd/src/main/xlat.c; Revisions: 1.119
	File: radiusd/src/lib/packet.c; Revisions: 1.17
	File: radiusd/src/main/threads.c; Revisions: 1.124, 1.123, 1.122
	File: radiusd/src/modules/rlm_eap/types/rlm_eap_leap/eap_leap.c; Revisions: 1.14
	File: radiusd/src/main/util.c; Revisions: 1.55, 1.54
	File: radiusd/src/main/listen.c; Revisions: 1.65, 1.64
	File: radiusd/src/include/radiusd.h; Revisions: 1.229, 1.228
	File: radiusd/src/main/event.c; Revisions: 1.31, 1.30, 1.29, 1.28, 1.27, 1.26, 1.25, 1.24
	File: radiusd/src/modules/rlm_eap/rlm_eap.c; Revisions: 1.42
	File: radiusd/src/include/libradius.h; Revisions: 1.139, 1.138
	File: radiusd/src/main/realms.c; Revisions: 1.6
	File: radiusd/doc/rlm_ldap; Revisions:
	File: radiusd/raddb/; Revisions: 1.242
	File: radiusd/raddb/proxy.conf; Revisions: 1.23
	File: radiusd/src/lib/fifo.c; Revisions: 1.7

Combined list of identical log entries
	Rename "ping" check to "status" check.  This means existing
	configurations break.  However, given discussion on the users list,
	calling the packets "pings" will confuse a certain segment of
	the population in ways that are difficult to correct politely.
Modified files:
	File: radiusd/raddb/proxy.conf; Revision: 1.23;
	Date: 2007/04/24 07:52:01; Author: aland; Lines: (+49 -48)
	File: radiusd/src/main/event.c; Revision: 1.31;
	Date: 2007/04/24 07:52:02; Author: aland; Lines: (+13 -13)
	File: radiusd/src/main/realms.c; Revision: 1.6;
	Date: 2007/04/24 07:52:01; Author: aland; Lines: (+5 -5)
	added functions to peek at the head of the queue, and to obtain
	the number of elements
Modified files:
	File: radiusd/src/include/libradius.h; Revision: 1.139;
	Date: 2007/04/24 07:33:09; Author: aland; Lines: (+4 -2)
	File: radiusd/src/lib/fifo.c; Revision: 1.7;
	Date: 2007/04/24 07:33:09; Author: aland; Lines: (+20 -3)
	Re-ordered RAD_LISTEN_TYPE by priority, and added "priority"
	field to the REQUEST.

	Updated threads to have RAD_LISTEN_TYPE_MAX fifo's, and to insert
	REQUEST's into the appropriate fifo.  Then, when pulling requests
	from the queue, we pull from high priority to low, and starve
	any lower priority queues.  This should make the server more robust
	in high load situations.

	i.e. we handle responses from home servers first, then authentication
	requests, then accounting requests (because the NAS will retransmit
	them), then the "detail" file, and finally SNMP.

	We haven't integrated SNMP sockets into this scheme yet, but the
	idea will work.  We also need to update the code so that it doesn't
	even look at a socket if there are pending requests.

	i.e. if all the threads are busy, AND fifo N has entries, then do
	NOT look at sockets associated with priorities N+1 and following.
Modified files:
	File: radiusd/src/include/radiusd.h; Revision: 1.229;
	Date: 2007/04/23 12:29:33; Author: aland; Lines: (+19 -17)
	File: radiusd/src/main/event.c; Revision: 1.29;
	Date: 2007/04/23 12:29:34; Author: aland; Lines: (+4 -2)
	File: radiusd/src/main/threads.c; Revision: 1.122;
	Date: 2007/04/23 12:29:34; Author: aland; Lines: (+32 -51)
	Added RADCLIENT* pointer to the REQUEST structure.  It makes some
	things easier, and will let us know on HUP which request is using
	what client
Modified files:
	File: radiusd/src/include/radiusd.h; Revision: 1.228;
	Date: 2007/04/23 08:09:14; Author: aland; Lines: (+21 -21)
	File: radiusd/src/main/event.c; Revision: 1.24;
	Date: 2007/04/23 08:09:14; Author: aland; Lines: (+21 -19)
	File: radiusd/src/main/listen.c; Revision: 1.64;
	Date: 2007/04/23 08:09:14; Author: aland; Lines: (+16 -10)
	File: radiusd/src/main/util.c; Revision: 1.54;
	Date: 2007/04/23 08:09:15; Author: aland; Lines: (+4 -3)
	File: radiusd/src/modules/rlm_eap/rlm_eap.c; Revision: 1.42;
	Date: 2007/04/23 08:09:15; Author: aland; Lines: (+3 -3)
	File: radiusd/src/modules/rlm_eap/types/rlm_eap_leap/eap_leap.c; Revision: 1.14;
	Date: 2007/04/23 08:09:15; Author: aland; Lines: (+3 -3)
Log entries
	More documentation on what NOT to do
Modified files:
	File: radiusd/doc/rlm_ldap; Revision:;
	Date: 2007/04/23 12:01:26; Author: aland; Lines:  (+170 -126)
	Note new Post-Proxy-Type Fail section.
Modified files:
	File: radiusd/raddb/; Revision: 1.242;
	Date: 2007/04/23 11:31:12; Author: aland; Lines:  (+23 -1)
	Moved 'hash' to before 'vector', as it was right next to vps.
	hash is read in the main thread, and vps is written to in child
	threads.  Having them next to each other results in cache line
	bouncing.  Moving it means that there won't be cache line
	bouncing, for a small performance increase
Modified files:
	File: radiusd/src/include/libradius.h; Revision: 1.138;
	Date: 2007/04/23 08:46:52; Author: aland; Lines:  (+3 -3)
	We don't need to hash the ID twice
Modified files:
	File: radiusd/src/lib/packet.c; Revision: 1.17;
	Date: 2007/04/23 08:44:55; Author: aland; Lines:  (+2 -3)
	Now that we have priorities for thread queues, push the
	post-proxy-type "fail" entry into the highest priority queue, so
	that it's dealt with as soon as possible, but in a child thread
Modified files:
	File: radiusd/src/main/event.c; Revision: 1.30;
	Date: 2007/04/23 13:03:20; Author: aland; Lines:  (+24 -17)
	corrected typos
Modified files:
	File: radiusd/src/main/event.c; Revision: 1.28;
	Date: 2007/04/23 11:28:30; Author: aland; Lines:  (+5 -5)
	Clean up post-proxy-type fail handlers.  They make more sense now.
Modified files:
	File: radiusd/src/main/event.c; Revision: 1.27;
	Date: 2007/04/23 11:25:07; Author: aland; Lines:  (+73 -43)
	New function post_proxy_fail(), which runs the request through
	a Post-Proxy-Type = Fail.

	Wrapper function proxy_proxy_fail_handler(), which does some other
	things, (setup, re-does wait_a_bit, etc).  Once we have multiple
	queues for the threads, we can push the post-proxy handler onto
	the thread queue, as it may do DB calls, which we should avoid
	in the main server.

	This has also cleaned up some corner cases, were the server could
	respond without copying Proxy-State from the request, if the
	proxying failed.  We now run the REQUEST through standard functions
	for everything...
Modified files:
	File: radiusd/src/main/event.c; Revision: 1.26;
	Date: 2007/04/23 10:08:50; Author: aland; Lines:  (+92 -66)
	Move SNMP increments to earlier in the request handling, to make
	the counters available sooner rather than later
Modified files:
	File: radiusd/src/main/event.c; Revision: 1.25;
	Date: 2007/04/23 08:25:42; Author: aland; Lines:  (+14 -10)
	Keep array in sync with defs in radiusd.h
Modified files:
	File: radiusd/src/main/listen.c; Revision: 1.65;
	Date: 2007/04/23 13:10:51; Author: aland; Lines:  (+7 -7)
	Now that we're handling queues by priority, remember to remove
	old requests from queues we may not have serviced in a while.
Modified files:
	File: radiusd/src/main/threads.c; Revision: 1.124;
	Date: 2007/04/23 13:51:46; Author: aland; Lines:  (+25 -3)
	Remove assertion that there's no child thread.  We can add it back
	again later, once we audit the rest of the code.
Modified files:
	File: radiusd/src/main/threads.c; Revision: 1.123;
	Date: 2007/04/23 13:26:45; Author: aland; Lines:  (+2 -4)
	Remove assertion that there's no child thread processing this
	request.  The design of event.c makes it difficult to track
Modified files:
	File: radiusd/src/main/util.c; Revision: 1.55;
	Date: 2007/04/23 13:25:39; Author: aland; Lines:  (+2 -8)
	Start removing request->timestamp, now that we have
Modified files:
	File: radiusd/src/main/xlat.c; Revision: 1.119;
	Date: 2007/04/23 08:10:28; Author: aland; Lines:  (+11 -11)
	Use new radius_paircreate() function.

	Fix Novell code that wrote to vp_strvalue for integer type

	If we've added a "known good" password to config items, then
	DO NOT SET AUTH-TYPE = LDAP.  It's confusing too many peopl
Modified files:
	File: radiusd/src/modules/rlm_ldap/rlm_ldap.c; Revision: 1.180;
	Date: 2007/04/23 12:03:40; Author: aland; Lines:  (+16 -44)
	Fixed Novell code that created PW_TYPE_INTEGER, and then wrote
	to strvalue.

	new "added_known_password" flag.  If we've found a "known good"
	password, then DO NOT SET AUTH-TYPE = LDAP.  It's confusing too
	many people
Modified files:
	File: radiusd/src/modules/rlm_ldap/rlm_ldap.c; Revision:;
	Date: 2007/04/23 12:01:05; Author: aland; Lines:  (+8 -4)
Summary of modified files
File: radiusd/doc/rlm_ldap
Authors: aland (+170 -126)
File: radiusd/raddb/proxy.conf
Revisions: 1.23
Authors: aland (+49 -48)
File: radiusd/raddb/
Revisions: 1.242
Authors: aland (+23 -1)
File: radiusd/src/include/libradius.h
Revisions: 1.139, 1.138
Authors: aland (+4 -2), aland (+3 -3)
File: radiusd/src/include/radiusd.h
Revisions: 1.229, 1.228
Authors: aland (+19 -17), aland (+21 -21)
File: radiusd/src/lib/fifo.c
Revisions: 1.7
Authors: aland (+20 -3)
File: radiusd/src/lib/packet.c
Revisions: 1.17
Authors: aland (+2 -3)
File: radiusd/src/main/event.c
Revisions: 1.31, 1.30, 1.29, 1.28, 1.27, 1.26, 1.25, 1.24
Authors: aland (+13 -13), aland (+24 -17), aland (+4 -2), aland (+5 -5), aland (+73 -43), aland (+92 -66), aland (+14 -10), aland (+21 -19)
File: radiusd/src/main/listen.c
Revisions: 1.65, 1.64
Authors: aland (+7 -7), aland (+16 -10)
File: radiusd/src/main/realms.c
Revisions: 1.6
Authors: aland (+5 -5)
File: radiusd/src/main/threads.c
Revisions: 1.124, 1.123, 1.122
Authors: aland (+25 -3), aland (+2 -4), aland (+32 -51)
File: radiusd/src/main/util.c
Revisions: 1.55, 1.54
Authors: aland (+2 -8), aland (+4 -3)
File: radiusd/src/main/xlat.c
Revisions: 1.119
Authors: aland (+11 -11)
File: radiusd/src/modules/rlm_eap/rlm_eap.c
Revisions: 1.42
Authors: aland (+3 -3)
File: radiusd/src/modules/rlm_eap/types/rlm_eap_leap/eap_leap.c
Revisions: 1.14
Authors: aland (+3 -3)
File: radiusd/src/modules/rlm_ldap/rlm_ldap.c
Revisions: 1.180,
Authors: aland (+16 -44), aland (+8 -4)
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